Anita Semadeni, 1986, lives and works in Zürich

solo exhibitions
2018    I built you a home, Milieu, Bern 

group exhibitions 
2023   scusi not scusi, Warenlift, Zürich

2022   Season 2. Spurensicherung, FABRIK, Balterswil, Thurgau 
2022   Last words from the periphery III, AtTheOffspace, Zürich

2021   Jahresausstellung der Bündner Künstlerinnen und Künstler, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
2021    abitare, Galleria Daniele Agostini, Lugano
2021    four walls, shared beds, Imgrafenhag, Winterthur

2020   Plattform20, Fri Art, Kunsthalle Fribourg
2020   Unreal Estate, Hamlet, Zürich
2020   Zero Ego Show, Toxi Space, ZH. In collab with Azuli Peeters.

2019    two women, a broom and bacteria sitting under a tree, Degree show, ZHdK, Zürich
2019    A work of one`s own, Zurich University of Arts, Zürich

2018    House warming, Hamlet, Zurich
2018    A very crowded room, Zurich University of Arts, Zürich
2018    Out Now, Zurich University of Arts, Zürich

2017    On a withered branch a crow, Vein, Zürich
2017    Life is great, Zurich University of Arts, Zürich

2021   Studio Programme What’s next Studio_2021/22, Zürich